Band and student section starting to fill. Homecoming crowning 20 minutes. Big night.

High school enjoyed a great evening Thursday. They played games, had inspirational talks from coaches and senior athletes and made s’mores by the bonfire. #homecoming2021 #gotrojans

Congratulations to the 2020-21 Academic Letter Winners. They have all earned a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or above. Nice work Trojans, Keep it Up!

Southeast campus is overwhelmed with cross country fans. Gentry has already won the girls race. Boys about to start.

Congratulations to SES seniors Ben Monday and Hart Nurnberg. Hart is a Commended student & Ben is a Semifinalist in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. Ben has the opportunity to continue in the competition & advance to be a Finalist by meeting additional requirements.

SES FCCLA and FBLA are hosting the Scarecrow Scramble 5k run/1 mile walk. Registration will start at 7:30 am, followed by the run at 8:00 a.m. on October 16th. For questions, contact Susan Wilson at swilson@usd306.org. Registration is due by September 27, to receive a t-shirt, but day-of registration will be available. Link for Registration: https://bit.ly/3liyv4D

If you would like to work for Southeast of Saline in any capacity then don't wait for an opening to be posted, throw your name in the hat now. When an opening happens at Southeast we move fast to fill it. If you would like to work at the school then consider getting your application on file so you can be considered for any future openings. Getting your school bus license can take a month or more, we can help even if you can only drive for us occasionally. Paraprofessional opening exist now. Substitutes are always needed for every department including kitchen, custodial, and classroom. Openings in all departments happen unexpectedly.
Don't miss out on that job just because you missed the posting that announced the opening. Apply now and ensure that your application will be considered. Visit our website for listings and applications.

We have a large number of our staff who coach or have kids in activities. This can create an issue covering classes at the end of the school day as these teachers try to make the games. If you are willing and able to cover an hour or two at the end of the school day it would be very helpful. We always need more full day subs, but you are not up for covering a class for a full day, consider signing up for these partial times. Cover a class for an hour then you are already at school to pick up your own kids when the bell rings. Contact Kelsey at the district office if you can help.

Southeast of Saline has experienced confirmed positives cases in the JH and HS this week. We ask that everyone stay vigilant with following protocols and protecting yourself against the spread. Masks remain recommended at the high school.
Due to continued positive cases in the Junior High this week, Southeast of Saline is extending the masking requirement for 7th and 8th grade through next week. This measure is meant to control the spread of known cases. We have had confirmed positive cases in the JH this week up to and including today. Please monitor symptoms and exercise precautions as we have known exposures.
A covid tracker has been posted on the district website under the Covid-19 page.

SES students give. These student donate at the blood drive on campus today.

A New Season begins!

Due to the change in Kickoff the tailgate has been moved up as well.

Kickoff for tonight's football game vs. Minneapolis has been moved up to 6:00 p.m. to hopefully avoid the weather. #TrojanPride
Reminder of the live streaming through NFHS.

Taking applications for IT Director. Job Description under District Tab - Job Openings. Open until filled so apply ASAP.

Booster Club Spirit-wear store is NOW OPEN!

Mr. Schoenfeld demonstrates the covid test that will be used for the Test to Stay program.

A new announcement has been released by Superintendent Stumpf. You can view it at the following link: https://youtu.be/sTiVZYmO9UI

JH volleyball players are excited for the new bleachers in the elementary gym. SES VB Invitational coming soon. Check calendar for details.

Enrollment fees have been updated in PowerSchool. Please check your parent portal for balances. Payments made through ezschoolpay.com online with a credit card or with a check sent to the school. Still time to complete the household finance form to qualify for reduced fees.

The elementary gym gets an upgrade. New bleachers dramatically increases seating.