Oustanding Chapter Achievements
State and National Award Winning CDE Teams

2003 State Champions and National Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team
Emily Henry (Class of 2003)
Amanda Peterson- State: 3rd Place (Class of 2003)
Kyle Hawkes (Class of 2004)
Coy Cox- State: 1st Place (Class of 2005)
Coach: Brandie "Rice" Disberger

2010 State Champions and National Agricultural Mechanics Team-5th Place
Jason Hahn-Nationals: 8th Place individual, Gold Medalist (Class of 2011)
David Alexander- State: 2nd Place Individual (Class of 2011)
Seth Cleveland State: 4th Place Indvidual (Classs of 2010)
Austin Mortimer State: 3rd Place Individual (Class of 2011)
ImageCoach: Brandie Disberger

Megan Lofton- National Proficiency Award Winner Agricultural Sales-Placement
Kansas FFA Proficiency Award Winner Agricultural Sales-Placement
National Chapter Awards
2012- Model of Innovation Chapter- Student Development
State and National Officers

Abby JohGallerynson, 2020-2021 Kansas FFA State Vice President

Taylor Green- 2014-2015 Kansas FFA State President
American Degree Recipients
Jacob Fehlman-2009
Charliey Staab-2009
State Degree Recipients
Abby Staab-2004
Breanna Kulman-2004
Kyle Hawkes-2004
Eva Spare-2005
Lucas Spare-2005
Kajsa Thelander-2006
Chelsea Weaver-2006
Jacob Fehlman-2007
Charliey Staab-2007
Kaleb Fehlman-2009
Shannon Rogge-2009
Megan Lofton-2010
Cory Craver-2011
Katie Heimer-2011
Jessie Jensen-2011
Taylor Green-2014
Jaley Jensen-2014
Jim Weller-2014
Kaylee Heimer - 2019
Haven Johnson - 2019
Abby Johnson - 2019
Rebekah Thompson - 2019