Southeast is proud to be a Sole School partner with Hibbett Sports. Thank you for the donation to our athletic programs.
over 3 years ago, Ms Wright
The Girls Basketball team is excited to accept the donation on behalf of all SES athletics
Multiple changes to get spirit wear. Order and pay online, product will be delivered to the school for pick up.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Our own Lori Blake introduces presenters in her final role as KASB president this weekend. Representing SES at the state level.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Reminder that tonight is a regularly scheduled board meeting. Board meetings continue to be live-streamed for your convenience. The agenda can be found by following the link on our website under the district tab. The link for livestream is in the agenda.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Please participate in #NeighborNovember. #trojansgiveback.
over 3 years ago, Ms Wright
Trojans Give Back
The Powder Puff football game scheduled for tonight has been postponed due to the weather. We will announce the rescheduled date when it is finalized. #TrojanPride
over 3 years ago, Ms Wright
SES trunk or treat in full swing. Complete with a free will donation supper.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
State Runner Up. Great job Trojans
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
3A top twenty placers. Southeast has three in the top ten!
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
State championship team in 3A. Congrats Trojans!
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Top twenty 3A girls. 3 runners from Southeast.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Jentrie with a lead after half way.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
3A girls race has started.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
3A girls race has started.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Dylan leads at about the half way mark.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
3A boys are off and running.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Students in Agriscience presented to faculty members over crops they researched.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Ag Presentation
Ag Presentation
Ag Presentation
This morning was the costume parade for SES elementary.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf
Cross Country - From KSHSAA Fans are encouraged to purchase tickets for admission to the state cross country venues using GoFan. Information to purchase is on the KSHSAA cross country page. If fans have not purchased tickets through GoFan - the cost on site is $10 per person age 5 and up. Cash only is accepted at the state site. Fans should pull tickets up prior to arrival at the state site on their mobile device to speed up entry.
over 3 years ago, Roger Stumpf