Staff Member of the Month

Ms. Dawn Rohrer has been selected as our staff member of the month for February. Ms. Rohrer is the ELA instructor at SES and has spent the last 20 of her 29 years in education serving our students. Her favorite thing about SES is it's home to her. She says the community is one of the most supportive communities and she is so grateful she gets to be a part of it as an adult like she was as a student back in the 1900's. Ms. Rohrer has a son, Cooper, who also attends SES and is an 8th grader. Her greatest achievement has been building meaningful relationships with students who initially struggled to connect with or engage. By earning their trust and understanding their unique perspectives, she's been able to support their growth and help them recognize their own potential. She believes that this has been the most rewarding part of her career. Ms. Rohrer received her bachelors degree in Education and her masters degree in classroom technology both from Kansas State University. Her nominator stated that "Ms. Rohrer is one of the kindest teachers you will ever find. She has a strong passion for all of her students and a love to see them grow and succeed. She is always there for her kids and supports them in her classroom and out." Ms. Rohrer's message to students is to "Discover what truly excites and inspires you, your passion, and then take measures to turn that into a reality. With dedication and effort, anything is achievable. Congrats Ms. Rohrer!